+34 93 238 43 83
Lunes - Jueves 9h-19:30h | Viernes 9h-15h

Your lawyers, your support. Your lawyers, your support.
We are experts in these

Legal Areas

Our intervention is based on the detection and proposal of individualised solutions with the aim of achieving business feasibility.

The actions cause changes of all kinds that always require a greater effort in accompanying the client.

The defence and representation of the client in courts and tribunals forms part of the essence of our office’s specialisation.

We negotiate, draw up and settle contracts according to the interests, needs and problems of our clients.


Our philosophy

We were not founded out of opportunism, but with the vocation of continuing legal work always considered as “traditional” and with a wide range of specialisations, essential when faced with, often in a natural way, economic difficulties in the company.

Zarco Abogados is an office with a clear vocation for bankruptcy and procedural law, always providing a carefully considered legal opinion and without ever losing sight of the goal of defending our clients’ interests.

Today more than ever, behind the company is always the human being and that is why we do not only provide the knowledge but also all the care and attention, since our greatest satisfaction is, as well as achieving the desired result, the peace of mind and satisfaction of the client. This is the clearest proof of work well done and undoubtedly our benefit as law professionals.


What our clients say

  • The security a child feels when enveloped by their loved ones, that is how we have felt with Zarco Abogados, well protected. Honesty, sincerity, a team with principles and fine values.

    Pedro Robles
  • Our professional performance is directed at achieving the full satisfaction of the client, something that requires the absolute best professionals. At Escura we have collaborated for years with Zarco Abogados, as a specialised and benchmark office in bankruptcy law, bankruptcies, and restructurings, thus having available a veritable reference in the speciality both nationally and internationally.

    Fernando Escura
    Managing Partner
  • Our luck was meeting up with the team from Zarco Abogados. Their interest has always been at the service of the client, they have made recommendations and advised always in the interest of the client, and this has combined perfectly with our idea or central point of our commitment to the client: empathy.

    Jordi Martorell
    Managing Partner MC Associat
  • I want to thank you above all for never feeling alone in this matter; every time a doubt sprung up, every time a new setback appeared for me, I consulted you, we spoke and my mood changed positively. Truly, I cannot put into words my gratitude towards you, these are things that if they do not happen to you, however much you try to explain, you would not understand.

    José Peligro
  • In the last financial crisis, it seemed like the end to me, both present and future. With a great deal of effort, devotion, and conviction, everything was reassessed and now we are free of financial dependencies. All thanks to this magnificent team of ZARCO ABOGADOS, with Carlos at the helm, which has made us resilient people and free of the financial entities.

    Francesc Martínez
    Cableados MC

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